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about me,  bands,  folk,  indie,  music

Our Remains

Does this sound familiar? You hear the first notes of a song, no matter where you are you just want to close your eyes, move your head slowly back and forth to the music, sing along softly and somehow start dreaming? That’s exactly how I feel right now about the song I want to tell you about.

When I’m looking to discover new bands and new songs, I enjoy letting spotify create radio playlists from songs I already like. Most of the time there are also some good suggestions and in the end quite a few of the songs also end up on my playlist.

If I remember correctly, the song I’m talking about was on the song radio for one of my favorites from London Grammar (I’ll be sure to write something about that band, too). It kind of caught my attention right away. Then after listening to it a few more times, constant repeat.

A song you can let yourself fall into. A song that inspires you to dream. So harmonious, so beautiful and at the same time somehow so tender and fragile: “Our Remains” (acoustic version) by Beta Radio.

When a song grabs me like that, I listen to it almost in a continuous loop and it just won’t let me go. In this case it often reflects my current emotional state, helps me think and sort out my thoughts. At first I don’t pay much attention to the lyrics. But if I find a song so great, I listen carefully to what it’s about, what the band wants to say with it. This time, I’m honestly a little bit overstimulated and still ponder about the message behind it. But feel free to leave a comment below the post, how you think about the song and how you interpret the lyrics.

Besides the lyrics, I also investigate the bands themselves. Look at who is behind the music and where they come from. In this case, it’s Benjamin Mabry and Brent Holloman from Wilmington, North Carolina. The two went to high school together and played in a hardcore band. After rehearsals they continued to make music together at home, so they got together and released their first album “Seven Sisters” with wonderful indie and folk songs in 2010. They had their breakthrough in 2014 with the album “Colony of Bees”. My favorite album is “Ancient Transition”, which also contains “Our Remains”. Their latest album was released in 2021. If you listen through the albums, you will notice how they have evolved without deviating from their style.

There is so much more to tell about them. How long they work on songs. How much love is in the details. That the songs are about their lives, about what they can’t put into words but have to sing about. More than enough for another blog post.

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